Index to the Tube Amp FAQ
Basics of Tube Amp Use
Safety Warning!!
Learning about Tube Amps
Parts for Tube Amps
Carbon Comp Resistors - is the Mojo real?
More power
Extend Tube Life
How do I get..
Blues Distortion
Good distortion at lower volumes
Plans for speaker cabs
Transformer questions
Why do output transformers sound different?
Impedance tolerances and tone
Paper VS Plastic bobbins
Differences in transformer sound
Copying a transformer
Hand winding vs machine winding
What are gaps in a transformer?
Push-pull OT in single ended amp?
"Ultralinear" output transformer
Convert ultralinear normal use?
Sub two SE transformers for single plate-to-plate transformer?
Reverse biased diodes as "transient spike preventers"
Pushpull output transformer as a single ended ultralinear output transformer?
"Impedance" of output transformer
Match speakers to output impedance?
Amp/output transformer/tubes W/ a mismatched speaker load?
Two single ended output transformers in a push-pull circuit
What causes differences in OT tone?
Output transformer - live or dead
Good replacement output transformer
DIY power and output transformers
Replace stock transformer
Potted / impregnated transformers better
What is the easiest way to get tube sound at a good price?
How can I modify my tube amp to ... ? (also see recommended mods, below)
What is bias?
When to bias?
How to bias
Matched tubes - do you need them?
Amplifier Modifications
Tube characteristics and Substitutions
Maintenance Issues
Cap Jobs
Forming Capacitors
Dirt and dust
Blue Glow
Other issues
Appendix A - Tube stuff suppliers
Appendix B - Tube makers today.